Congratulations, everyone!!
Founders Assoc. Award
Attendies Unjuried Exhibit
Michael Goss
Founders’ Assoc. Award
Attendies Unjuried Exhibit
High Maintenance
Stephen Foster
Founders’ Gold Award
Attendies Unjuried Exhibit
Marc Poole
Walter Jefferies Award
Unjuried Exhibit – Best work created on site
Cessna 140
Steve Cox
Walter Jefferies Award
Unjuried Exhibit – Best work created on site
Marc Poole
ForeFeathers ™ Enterprises’
Plaque du Beaque Award
Presented for the most creative approach to telling an aviation story or depicting an aviation event.
Patriotic Reflections
Cher Pruys
Captain Duane Whitney Martin Award
For artistic excellence in depicting the conflict in Southeast Asia 1964-1974.
Jolly Inbound
Bob Aikins
Spirit of Flight
Kristin Hill
3rd Place
Dreams of Thunder
Gerry Asher
2nd Place
Riding the Sonic Surf
Hank Caruso
1st Place
Poking the Northern Bear
Rod Lees
General Aviation
3rd Place
Queen Bess
Mimi Stuart
General Aviation
2nd Place
Lake Stevens Surprise
Steve Cox
General Aviation
1st Place
Beech Patrol
Cher Pruys
Commercial Aviation
3rd Place
Dawn of the Jet Age
Doug Rowe
Commercial Aviation
2nd Place
Last of the American Mad Dogs
Darby Perrin
Commercial Aviation
1st Place
Canada Northern Departing Regina
David Rawlins
Military Aviation
3rd Place
Peace Keeper
Craig Slaff
Military Aviation
2nd Place
Rosie the Rocketer
Greg Jackson
Military Aviation
1st Place
Big Stud
Steve Cox
Honorable Mention
Boelke’s Boys
Russell Smith
Honorable Mention
Airshow Warhawk
Douglas Castleman
Honorable Mention
Old Rhinebeck Bleriot No. 7
Don Meadows
Honorable Mention
Advantage Roscoe & Patches
Mark Pestana
Honorable Mention
Generic Fighter
John Clark
Honorable Mention
Crissie Murphy
Nixon Galloway
Golden Age of Aviation
Tiger Moth
Steve Roberson
Award of Merit
Little Patches
Thomas Duntemann
Award of Merit
Angeli Fideles Victores
Marc Poole
Award of Distinction
Remember Me?
Russell Smith
James V. Roy Award
Birds of a Different Feather
Steve Anderson